Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Bath Time

Krew loves the bath! Caleb and I think its so funny because he could be screaming and all we have to do is go into the bathroom and turn on the bath. When he was just a few weeks old the sound of the water would put him right to sleep. Now he just stops crying. Its like he is waiting till we put him in. I could probably leave him in for ever and he would just sit their. Its the funniest thing!


  1. Hey Guys! Krew is so dang cute! Hope all is going well it has been so long since I have seen you guys. So glad you have a blog now.

  2. welcome to the bloggin world i saw your blog on Kimbers and couldn't help but take a peak! Krew is so stinkin cute! congrats on the new addition i bet it is wonderful! I have no doubt you and caleb are fabulous parents!!

  3. hey tash! welcome to the blog world- im glad we have a way of keeping in touch. okay, you're little guy is precious, congrats! my sister lindsay has a little crew... such a cute name! and you look great. good to see that things are going so well!

  4. Yay! I'm glad you have a blog. Krew is the cutest baby ever. Saw him the other day and I was so sad I didn't have time to hold him, he is just beautiful.

    Adam... something creeps me out about him... but I will not deny that he is very very talented. :)

  5. Hi Tash & Caleb,
    Oh my gosh I had so much fun with your cute sister Hillary in Florida! I love your family so much, and your little Crew is absolutely adorable. I found you on Shawnee's blog!

  6. Tash!!! I am so glad you found my blog. I swear I haven't seen you in forever. It seems like not so long ago we were in primary together!:) Now you have a gorgeous little boy, and Lyndi just had baby girl #2? We are getting old it seems! Where are you guys living? I am so happy you have a blog so I can stay updated on what you guys are up to and of course see baby Krew get big. You have such a beautiful little family!
